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Are We There Yet?

Sam Coblentz

Last weekend our family traveled to Lancaster, PA for a wedding. It was a quick trip, leaving Friday afternoon, returning Saturday night. Out of the 30 hours spent on this trip, 13 were spent just “getting there”. Since I am not a very patient person, these hours often seem to drag, and the miles just add up too slowly. It’s helpful during the trip to visualize what happens when we reach our destination, to think about the people we will see, the blessing of those relationships and fun things we anticipate doing together.

Our spiritual journey has some parallels. The journey is long! It has moments that seem to drag, causing us to feel like we aren’t really getting anywhere, wondering whether it’s really worth all the trouble. It’s also difficult to stay focused, to fight the daily battles against temptation, discouragement, whatever Satan may use on any given day to distract us or to make our journey miserable.

In II Corinthians 4, Paul says “we are hard pressed on every side, perplexed, persecuted, and struck down”. All of these were part of his long journey, and I suspect that some form of these shows up on our journey.

On Sunday, many of us renewed the quest to see God’s glory, not only in the future, when we reach our destination, but in the present moment. God’s glory does not remove us from the struggle, it allows us to remain peaceful while we wrestle and press on. God’s glory also gives us a glimpse of the destination that motivates us to continue, mile after mile, day after day, year after year. Paul also says that in the middle of the struggles, “we are not crushed, not in despair, not abandoned, not destroyed.”

II Cor. 4:17 says “our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an ETERNAL GLORY that far outweighs them all. So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen, (the journey) is temporary, but what is unseen (the destination) is eternal.

I encourage you today to keep asking the Father to show you the same glory that He gave to Jesus, his Son, the same glory that Jesus prayed we would see. As he shows you his glory, (I am confident that he will), I pray that glory allows you to be peacefully present on your journey, even though you aren’t “there yet”.

Much love in Christ,

Sam Coblentz


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