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Foster Our Community

Nicole Bowman

The other morning my phone rang, A mom who is doing kinship care was calling, she just wanted to talk to someone who could understand all the things she was dealing with. We chatted for a while about behaviors, therapists, the system and I shared some encouragement and suggestions. A little while later I received a text from another foster mom, they are getting a placement of a newborn, do we have a car seat? That weekend we delivered a car seat, gift card for dinner, diapers and diaper bag full of items to this family. Later in a group text with other foster moms there were suggestions of dealing with a baby going through withdrawal, offers to share needed items but the biggest help were the offers for prayers and encouragement. This is what it means to be part of a community that understands and supports one another. One thing for sure, encouragement is needed for those who are navigating the system and stepping up to care for children who are dealing with trauma. It can be a long, hard road and doing it without support is overwhelming and causes many families to give up. We believe that when we serve and encourage these families, we are also caring for the precious children in their homes.

When we began Foster Our Community, we knew there was a need for support for foster, adoptive and kinship families in our area but we were uncertain of the response we would have when we reached out to the community. This past year has proven to us that having support in place for these families is very well needed and appreciated. We have watched our ministry grow slowly and steady. This summer we officially became a 501(c)3 non-profit, with a second chapter now in the Portage Lakes area. We have been able to share resources, offer training, host social events, support groups, supply families with Comfort & Necessities bags, diapers, gift cards and brand new pajamas for the children who have come into their care, wrap around families in other tangible ways and bring awareness that everyone can do something to help.

We have served well over 75 families in some way and have plans to be able to continue to be an encouragement to the community and raise awareness of the need for our churches and our community to wrap around foster, kinship and adoptive families. We are so grateful for the support we have received so far. We especially appreciate the help and encouragement we have received from Bethany….shout out to the children’s VBS for the pajamas they collected and the money they raised this summer to support us!

We currently have several needs in our ministry from supplies to volunteers. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at if you would like more information.

Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me ~ Matthew 18:5



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