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Love God, Love Others


These are the greatest commandments. Now how we do that is sometimes a challenging process. I think God intended us to love each other even when it is hard, when it’s scary, when we don’t agree and even when we don’t really like each other much. I also think that God intended us to love each other when things are good, when there is joy and happiness.

As I have lived here in this community for the past few years- ok it’s been over 30 years … I have been a witness over and over again to how great a love can be when we work and serve together.

In 2016, Love Our Community came to be as a group from several organizations, churches, businesses and neighborhoods came together to put on the first community egg hunt. It was right there in the fireplace room at the Front Porch Cafe that I shared what God had put on my heart - that we CAN and ARE CALLED to “love our community “ TOGETHER.

The first Love Our Community collaborative event an egg Hunt took place in 2016.

From that moment on we have continued serving together - to meet the often unseen needs of our neighbors. From that simple event came Summer Meals where we care for hundreds in need of a meal and at times craving connection and relationship, LOC Clothing closet now LOC Warehouse, Burgers & Blankets and LOC Christmas.

Very quickly, we realized that there were many more needs relating to housing insecurity and lack of enough resources. To be more blunt, some of our own neighbors are living outside, doubled up on couches, in cars and even in storage units right here in our community. We set out to bring a plan together to care for our own, to love our neighbors better. We are excited to share a little of the plans with you. Coming in soon we will have a place for healing, for relationships and resources. We will have a missionary family that will live full time on mission in our community, a renovated barn used for services like counseling, classes like budgeting, employment support , and housing available to our neighbors in need.

(the site plan for Little Elk )

(A park model house where families/individuals may live while they get back on their feet)

It is often hard and messy. But, who got more in the mess with people than Jesus? He did not eat, fellowship and walk with only those folks who had it all together. Let’s get in the mess together - There is so much more to share. Would love to grab a cup of coffee or tea!


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