God is working in Bethany and in the lives of our church. As the body of Christ, it is important to stay connected. One way to do that is to encourage one another and bless others with what Jesus has been teaching us personally. I get the privilege of seeing first hand what God is doing in the Youth and it has blessed me more than I could have imagined! Every so often the Youth will do a midweek and share what's been happening in their lives. I hope it blesses you as it has blessed me! ~ Jordan Briggs, Youth Pastor

Hey everyone just wanted to share this song with everyone because it’s something that I feel like we really need to be aware of. We can sometimes we get complacent and think “ somebody ELSE “will help that person, or share the G.O.S.P.E.L with that person when in actuality Gods sitting right there saying “Why aren’t you helping ‘I. CREATED. YOU.!!”
So long story short, my challenge to myself and all of you is that the next time you think those words “Somebody ELSE" will do something I want you to remember this GOD. CREATED. YOU.

This past year, worry has been a bigger issue for me, but recently God has been laying things on my heart through scripture. In the Word, God says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
God continues to remind me that whatever situation we may feel hopeless in, worrying about that issue isn’t going to change anything. Instead we are to put our faith in Christ, and believe that He is greater than our worries. He is enough to face all of our giants and problems in life, because He has promised to never leave us or fail us. God offers us a way to eliminate worry, but we need to be willing to open up our hearts to him and believe that He truly is aware of what we need.

So recently something that I feel God has been teaching me is peace and trust.
If you’re anything like me, I believe that I grew up thinking peace was solely a feeling. It wasn’t until recently that it really hit me that more than anything, peace is a choice, something we have to choose. Now I’m not saying that peace is something we don’t feel, because there is a such thing as feeling at peace. But if we only rely on how we feel, than honestly we’re doomed because we live in an imperfect world and we ourselves are sinners who need Jesus. When we come to realize that we can have peace through Jesus, despite chaos and hardships etc, it is honestly so freeing. And in order to do that, we have to have trust in God as well, that He truly will take care of us and provide for us. When we’re struggling, it can be extremely hard to truly trust God. But I want to encourage you that God sees you, He isn’t going to leave you, and He will give you the ability to trust and have true peace if you let him!
Hardships can do one of two things, either make us better or bitter and I really hope you choose to let it better you, even though it’s hard.
A couple of verses that have encouraged me are Daniel 10:18&19
"Again the one who looked like a man touched me and gave me strength. “Do not be afraid, you who are highly esteemed,” he said. “Peace! Be strong now; be strong.”
When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, “Speak, my lord, since you have given me strength.”"